Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Personal Soundtrack Shirt

Do you often feel that your life is boring and tedious in comparison to the drama and

strokes of the big and small screen? With a horde of reality shows and films, although people make their lives all the more interesting, somewhere, real life appears to be much more monotonous and boring. Nevertheless, we all know that the biggest tragedy with life is that it has no background music. Music and sound effects enhance every thing you experience, be it brushing your teeth, walking down the streets, or gossiping with friends. Luckily, this infuriating boredom can be sorted out with the Personal Soundtrack Shirt designed by the ThinkGeek LabsTM.

Making Usual life Unusual

A terrific new wearable audio resolution featuring a speaker that is entrenched into the façade of the Personal Soundtrack Shirt is its most striking feature. Pushing the suitable key on the pocketable remote would get sound effects that are appropriate for any situation. The sound effects range from drum roll to western show-down. The varied range of sounds and suggestions is a splendid option to introduce the spectacular punctuation to the routinal life.

Personalized Sound-effects

Not liking the built-in sound-effects? There is yet another option. Just pop in your own sound memory card that is loaded with MP3 tracks if you intend to use your own sound effects. However, all this is elective. You can just stick to the 20 built in sounds if you don’t feel like adding your own sounds. The package includes all essential instructions. The personal Soundtrack Shirt is capable of playing sounds from any portable audio player too.

Features and more…

This extravagant gadget features is capable of playing background music and effects at your command. Perfect for making monotonous life more thrilling and exciting, this Soundtrack Shirt amplifies your music to high levels in an all new overwhelming way. The cable can be left inside the shirt after use, and can be washed gently. The Personal Soundtrack Shirt is an innovative experience for making boring life all the more fascinating. Have a got at it …it wont disappoint you.

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